Yarrow Gathered Dress Hack
It is BLAZING outside, perfect weather for swishy flowy, air circulating things. One of my favorite throw on items to combat the heat is my Yarrow Gathered Dress I hacked from my Yarrow Top and Tunic Sewing Pattern . It's my favorite dress for gardening, running errands, working around the house etc. and it's just nice enough to wear to brunch or happy hour. Want to make your own and join me for House Dress Summer? Read below to learn how to hack this pattern into your new favorite garment!
What You Will Need:
- Yarrow Sewing Pattern (the top only)
- 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 yards of fabric
- ruler and measuring tape
Shorten your bodice to your preferred waist point by cutting it at or below the "lengthen/shorten" line. I personally find that I like the bodice to sit at the smallest point of my waist. You can measure where you want the gathers of the dress to sit and then mark this on your top piece.
Your skirt will be the full width of your fabric x 25 inches (more or less depending on your preference) shown on the right below. If you prefer softer gathers and a less full skirt you can use part of the width (left) instead of the full width (right).
Sew the front and back top pattern pieces together at the side and shoulder seams and finish the neckline according to the instructions. You can also choose to hem the sleeves at this time as well.
Sew the side seams of the skirt. If you are wanting to add pockets, the time would be to do so now. You can use this tutorial to do so. You will need to use your own inseam pocket piece.
Sew a line of basting stitches 1/4" away from the raw edge of the skirt. Sew a second line of basting stitches 3/8" away from the raw edge. Leave a tail of thread at the ends of both lines of stitching. Hem the other raw edge of the skirt here if you'd like.
Pull the tails of the gathers to gather the skirt, drawing the skirt gathers until the are the same width as the bottom edge of your bodice. Turn the skirt inside out and attach the gathered edge to the bottom of the bodice raw edges , distributing the gathers evenly until they match. Pin in place. Sew the skirt to the bodice.
If you have not hemmed your raw edges up until this point, do so now - and then you're done! Enjoy the swish of your new dress!
I'd love to see your makes! Use the hashtag FCYarrow and FCYarrowHack on social media if you decide to make this dress! Happy sewing!